Obama: 7-11 Cups

September 28, 2008

This is getting wierd.

Kos takes credit for Palin fall

September 19, 2008

The argument among left bloggers, about how to approach the Palin pick, was pretty interesting. In particular over at Talk Left between Jeralyn and BDT. Focus on Palin? Don’t focus on Palin? Kos believes that focusing on Palin was the right tactic and is now taking credit for Palin’s falling approval ratings.

…we focused heavily on Palin, and make no mistake, it’s exactly that intense focus that has taken its toll on her numbers:

All of this is happening because we did not relent on Palin, blocking Republican efforts to paint her in a positive light. The results are speaking for themselves.

C’mon. What goes up, must come down. That’s the thing that has brought Palin crashing to earth. Nobody knew who she was when McCain picked her. Voters were able to project whatever they wanted onto her… at first. But now she’s become less than a mere symbol, she’s become flesh and blood and smelly breath and, hey, what’s that growth sticking out of your ear?

Ewwww. Yuck. On second thought.

But the Palin pick did expose a fractured coalition between Obama supporters and the continuing festering resentment among Hillary supporters. There is not complete harmony among democrats.

Forgetting 9/11

September 11, 2008

Today I realized it was September 11, the infamous anniversary of that fateful day seven years ago. I didn’t realize it until I started reading the daily blogs. I actually forgot about September 11, 2001, the significance of that day.

Earlier in the week I saw that ABC had a two-hour program honoring the troops. Nothing wrong with that, but at the same time it seemed kind of odd. Why were they doing it now? It never occurred to me that it was almost September 11, and that was probably the reason why a memorial was going to be televised.

Why did I forget 9/11? How could I forget? I guess because life goes on. We still have the same problems and get obsessed with the same petty bullshit that we let infect our lives. What was I thinking about yesterday? That I had to get to the gym more because I’m overweight. That I really need a car, but I’m totally broke and my credit is bad. That I’m “totally” burned out on the election. And that I shouldn’t have eaten that huge bean and cheese burrito for lunch. How many calories was that anyway, like, a million or something?

These were the things I was thinking about. Not 9/11. Not the people that died that day. Not the people who have died since. Not the war. Not the soldiers. Not their families. I was only thinking about myself and my own bullshit.

The horrific truth is, 9/11 didn’t really change the lives of every American as a lot of analyst and commentators and political pundits said it would. 9/11 changed the lives of those in the planes and buildings and those who died trying to save them, and those who have died in the wars since. A lot of lives to be sure, but not every life. The rest of us wake up in the mornings, just like the mornings before 9/11, and we go to work, or school, and we kiss our loved ones goodbye, and we’ll see them when we get home.

It’s easy to forget and become self obsessed and cynical. BooMan Tribune has a post up that puts 9/11 in perspective and reminds me of what that day actually did change about America and why this election is so important, and why we need to change the direction of this country.

Cindy McCain: Now THIS feels like a setup

September 11, 2008

When Bristol Palin’s pregnancy was getting a lot of attention, many bloggers on the left screamed: Stay away, it’ll only backfire! Some even believed the whole pregnancy thing was a Rovian set up. Whatever. I felt it exposed Sarah Palin as a hypocrite of the party of “family values” and exposed McCain as incompetent for picking a hypocrite and liar for a running mate. But what do I know?

Now a “whistleblower” has come out and shared his journal with reporters about how John McCain new more about his wife Cindy’s drug abuse than he let on.

In confessing to her drug abuse in orchestrated interviews with friendly journalists in 1994, Cindy McCain said she had kept her problem hidden from her husband and sought treatment at some point in 1992. Questions remain about the validity of those assurances, and Gosinski’s contemporary journal shares a story suggesting John McCain knew of his wife’s problem earlier than anyone has suggested.

First of all: Who gives a shit? Second: Is it just me, or will this simply look like Democrats, again, picking on “John McCain’s Women”. First Palin and now his wife. Don’t pick on the daughter. Don’t pick on the Hockey Mom. But Cindy is fair game? I don’t get it. I don’t blame the woman for abusing drugs… she’s married to John McCain for Christ’s sake.

I hope Dems don’t run with this one. It feels like a loser.

Obama’s Lipstick Remark: With Friends Like These

September 11, 2008

Do I believe that Obama was making a remark about Sarah Palin with the whole “Lipstick” thing? No. I don’t. BUT. It makes me uncomfortable when dudes like Bill O’Reilly and Chris Matthews come to Obama’s rescue and cry foul when the “sexism card” is being played. I think they’re using the opportunity to lambast the whole idea of “sexism” as opposed to being offended by Obama being called a sexist. Does that make sense?

Both O’Reilly and Matthews have had to defend themselves against charges of sexism. Matthews had to apologize on the air over a remark about Hillary. O’Reilly settled out of court from charges of sexual harassment. The Falafel thing.

So now is the perfect opportunity for these two assholes, not to defend Obama, but to defend themselves, and in their own overblown megalomaniacal minds, mankind itself, against the “Femi-Nazi’s” that are conspiring to emancipate the last of the real men, which Matthews and O’Reilly feel they are the leaders of.

Obama doesn’t need defenders from the likes of Chris Matthews and Bill O’Reilly.

Obama: On The Plus Side

September 10, 2008

Not all blogs on the left are freaking out about recent polls.

Including Oliver WillisRadicalRuss at Pam’s and ReaperObot0 at MYDD.

Obama: Still Playing Defense

September 10, 2008

It’s Not A Lie If You Believe It’s True

– George Costanza–

Obama talks about the audacity of Hope. He might want to start thinking about the audacity of Karl Rove. The current attack ad by McCain saying that Obama supports sex education for kindergarten kids is the latest in GOP tactical smear. Neither Obama or the left should be surprised by these smears.

This current attack reminds me of a frightening scene in Cormac McCarthy’s “Blood Meridian” where “The Judge” tells a group of church goers that the priest preaching to them is a wanted man… wanted for pedophilia, among other heinous crimes.

The religious crowd turns into a mob. The priest’s protests and claims of innocence do him no good, and he’s catered off by the mob to whatever horrible fate awaits him. When a man asks “The Judge” where he knew the priest from, “The Judge” confesses that he’d never seen the man before in his life, and had no idea who he was

How can we fight the likes of “The Judge” and the likes of Karl Rove? It’s difficult, because when “The Judge” points his finger at you and says you are a child molester, the mob will turn on you, even if they know the claim is untrue, less “The Judge” (Rove) decides to point his finger at them next. Better you than them.

Obama has begun to insert the name Rove into some of his statements now in an attempt to expose the lies. But it is not enough. Constantly being on the defensive against “The Judge” and the mob will not do Obama any good. “The Judge” could not be defeated because he was not really a human being. But Rove is, and so is John McCain. They can be defeated, if you hit them first, and fight fire with fire.

John McCain has hired the same man to run his campaign that tried to destroy him and his family in 2000. (and he did). If McCain had any integrity he has completely abandoned it in the pursuit of power.

Obama has to hit back, and hit back hard. When John Kerry was smeared by the Swiftboaters, his reaction was to not hit back. Why? Because the accusation that he lied about his military service was outrageous. No sensible voter would believe such crap. But voters judge a candidate, not only on how he takes a punch, but how he counter attacks. They wonder if he’s capable of throwing a punch himself, even a sucker punch. If there is no attack, then a voter wonders if the candidate has any fight in them.

John McCain and Karl Rove, just like “The Judge” did to the priest in “Blood Meridian” has called Barack Obama a pedophile. As outrageous as the accusation is, it’s Obama that will have to answer for it, just like John Kerry did in ’04, and all because they couldn’t believe their opponent had the audacity to say such blatant lies.

What sensible voter would believe such a thing?


Steve Soto is back in the game:

But Democrats should get over the notion now that the truth matters to the GOP. All that matters to the GOP is selling a product long enough to get to mid-October before the truth seeps in, to take advantage of early voting. All Obama can do is point this out, focus on the issues and tell the media what is really going on here, and then rely on his later voters and GOTV to offset what the GOP is doing here

Panic In Year Obama II

September 8, 2008

More and more lefty’s are getting nervous about the election.

Adam McKay

I’m telling you, unless we wake up, we’re gonna lose this frickin’ thing.

Joseph Romm

After watching Obama and Biden on the Sunday morning shows, it is clear they have the wrong message, one that typically loses American elections. If this is their TV message, McCain and Palin will win the national debates and likely go on to victory.

Naomi Foner

We’re in Big Trouble

Politeness is not in order. We need to be scared.

McCain seems to have known just what he was doing. Now the question remains, do we?

Richard Schiff

As My Household Shows, We’re a Divided Natio

My beautiful and loving wife, despite seeing her own small business begin to show troubling signs of downturn after years of worry-free success, despite her passion on women’s issues, despite having a son and daughter who may be conscripted, may vote for the party responsible for the entire mess.

What we on the left are really afraid of is a fight. The GOP picked a fight with Dems by going with Sarah Palin. And now there are two schools of thought on how to approach the fight. Ignore Palin, or attack Palin.

We can’t even agree on why McCain is hiding Palin. Are we to believe that the GOP are so clever that the Palin pick is all going according to plan? That McCain already really knew about Palin’s baggage and is simply using it to bait Democrats? Are we to believe that he picked a running mate he knew nothing about because that’s his strategy? Are we to believe that McCain’s hiding Palin because that’s been his plan all along? Just a clever Rovian bait and hook. So the Dem strategy is: stay away from Palin. It’s all a set up!

Bottom line: We lefty’s are afraid. Afraid of McCain. Afraid of Palin. Afraid of the MSM. Afraid of Karl Rove. Afraid of Obama. Afraid of losing. Afraid of our own fucking shadows.

When you’re afraid, it’s really hard to put up a fight.

Joe Biden: The Dean Martin Rules

September 8, 2008

Digby talks about Obama and Jackie Robinson, how she believes that Obama needs to use the Robinson rules, biting his tongue when baited into an argument about race, and always acting like a nice guy, not getting caught or baited into acting like the “angry black man”, that his opponents want him to be. He’s handled it very well in my opinion.

Now that Sarah Palin has been selected as McCain’s running mate, people are wondering how Biden should go about handling her in the debates. Should he attack, be aggressive, get into a shouting match, go toe to toe fisticuffs? Or because Palin’s a woman, does he need to watch what he says, be respectful all the time and watch his attitude and demeanor?

I say Biden should adopt the Dean Martin rules. Not Dean Martin the actual human being, who apparently was a misogynist, but Dean Martin the persona, the guy from the movies and the “Dean Martin Show”. The cool guy, the martini/cigarette guy. The relaxed guy that finds everything ridiculous. The guy that doesn’t get heated under pressure. During the debates, (if Palin shows up) Biden should go into Dean Martin host mode, ignore everything Palin says, and in fact, ignore everything the moderator asks, and simply say stuff like: Hey, it’s great to be here! How’s everybody doin?

Talk Left: Let’s Go After Palin

September 6, 2008

Jeralyn at Talk Left has a great post up. Bottom line: Don’t lay off Palin.

You don’t win elections with one hand tied behind your back. The Democrats need to come out swinging against Sarah Palin, the unqualified, radical right choice of John McCain to occupy the nation’s second most powerful leadership position. The fact that she’s under investigation for abuse of power alone should be enough to disqualify her. Tell her to come back after she’s been cleared and has shown she brings something other than tokenism to the job.

The Democratic strategists and pundits who think Obama should ignore Palin and stick to debating the issues are the best example of why the Democrats lost the last two elections.

The argument made by BDT and Jane Hamsher, in opposition to Jeralyn, is that attacking Palin turns her into a martyr and takes the attention off of McCain and damages Obama. I disagree. Palin has baggage. Baggage that has been festering and causing a stink. 

Just as Dems want to attach George Bush’s stink to McCain, Dems should attach Palin’s stink to McCain as well. After all, Palin was his pick. She’s a horrible choice for VP and potential president. Keep reminding voters how lame she is, rumors and all, and how lame it was of McCain to pick her. Expose McCain for how cynical and incompetent he is.

Don’t let up on Palin!